hi loves!

I’m MADELEINE, AND I’m so happy

you’re here


In order for you to know if I am the right fit for you, you have to know a bit about me!

I started taking photos over two decades ago, when I just wanted to capture the beautiful depth and nuance that I saw in my friends and the relationships that they were cultivating. I also loved how building a photograph allowed me to be more present in any given moment. To truly notice the warmth of the sun pouring through an open window or the creamy froth of an ocean’s wave. The look someone gives before leaning in for a kiss.

More and more I am learning to appreciate the day I have in front of me and how it might unfold. How it might show me gifts I hadn’t seen before. This is why I find solace in photography, and why I would love to work with you.


“happiness, not in another place but this place…not for another hour but this hour”

- Walt Whitman


  • Dinner parties with good food and people who feed your soul

  • Curiosity

  • Bouquets of flowers

  • The “doves” you can find in broken sand dollars

  • Whiskey sours

  • Campfires

  • Peppermint tea

  • Dancing in the kitchen

  • Library books

  • Canoeing on a misty lake

  • Good questions